

Here is a quiz on cholesterol.  Take 5 min to test your knowledge and possibly learn something new.  Write your answers down on a piece of paper and then compare them to the answers given at the end of the quiz.

Click the link below to start the “Cholesterol” quiz

For more info about cholesterol, check out the below articles:

The below article is from Dr. Oz’ blog.  The article is written by Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS and Stephen Sinatra, MD, FACN, authors of “The Great Cholesterol Myth”.  It’s a short article and very interesting because it suggests sugar puts you more at risk for heart disease than high cholesterol levels.

The article below is from Harvard Health Publications.  This article goes into depth about what cholesterol is, how your body naturally produces it and and how food becomes cholesterol. This is a very informative article and I agree with everything except for the way they categorize fats.  Most saturated fats are bad BUT not all.  One example that I’ve discussed before is coconut oil.  It contains 12g of saturated fat/serving but NO cholesterol.  Coconut oil is a good fat even though it’s a saturated fat.  Saturated fats you want to avoid are butter and fried fast food.

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