Workout #5

Workout #5

Workout #5

Gym Workout:

10 min warm up on treadmill or elliptical.  When you are done with your warm up your heart rate should be between 65-70% of you MHR.  Refer to workout #2 to calculate your MHR.  If you don’t know how to find your pulse and calculate your heart rate, click the link or copy and paste the link below to learn how.

1. Wide grip lat pull down – 12 reps

Tip: Do not pull the bar down behind your head!  Choose enough weight so you can successfully pull the bar down below your chin 12x.  Roll your shoulders back before each pull down, keep your chest up and abs tight!

2. Alternating front lunge with RIGHT arm extended straight above your head toward the ceiling.  Hold a dumbell in your right hand only – 16 reps.

Tip: Keep your abs tight a lunge slowly so you can keep control of the weight above your head.

3. Seated Row, close grip – 12 reps

Tip: Abs tight, roll the shoulders back and keep your chest high.  Row the weight in to touch your rib cage.

4. Alternating front lunge with LEFT arm extended straight above your head toward the ceiling.  Hold a dumbell in your left hand only – 16 reps

5. 5 min on stair stepper, elliptical or treadmill.  Get your heart rate up to 85% of your MHR

Go through this 5 exercise cycle 4 times.  After your last time through the cycle find a spot on the floor to do the following core work:

-45 sec plank, immediately roll over and do 20 crunches – do this cycle 4x

Tip: When you do your crunches keep your knees bent and feet flat on the ground.  Reach both arms up toward the ceiling and point to a spot on the ceiling with your fingers.  Crunch straight up (as if your reaching to touch the spot on the ceiling) and down (not forward and backward) lifting your head and shoulder blades off the ground.  By doing your crunches this way, there will be no pressure on your thoracic spine and you will feel a deeper and more concentrated crunch as you lift straight up :)

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