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Healthy Gut Series – Part 7

Healthy Gut Series – Part 7

Good Afternoon Everyone!!

**Foods that Support a Healthy Gut**

7 Gut Cleansing Foods To Add To Your Diet:

1. Dark, Leafy Greens

These fibrous and bright plants are great for sweeping clean the gut. They are also full of minerals and antioxidants that can help our body protect itself from the toxins we get exposed to. 

*Keep in mind that if you have a lot of digestive issues it might be best to eat cooked vegetables, as these are easier to digest!

Try simple soups, sautéing your greens or steaming them. Always add some healthy fat (butter, olive oil or avocado) and acid (lemon juice or vinegar) to support proper absorption of the vitamins in the greens. 

2. Chia Seeds

These tiny power seeds are the perfect gut cleansers. When soaked in water for a few minutes they plump up and turn into a gelatin-like substance. They help flush out the stomach and especially great for those prone to constipation. They also contain anti-inflammatory omega 3 fatty acids, which your body will thank you for! 

You can simply add a spoon of chia seeds to a glass of water and drink it down, or make a pudding using nut milk and some cacao, or add it to your smoothies, morning porridge or sprinkle them on salads!

3. Psyllium Husk

This is another powerful seed with serious cleansing potential! It’s a very potent and as with chia plumps up in water and turns into a gelatinous soup.

*Because it’s so powerful I always recommend people start very easy with a low dose and see how their body reacts. And make sure to drink plenty of water to support the gut cleansing. 

4. Herbs

There are lots of herbal supplements on the market that can be used to support a gut cleanse, but there are also great ‘everyday’ herbs you can add to your food that will help support cleansing of the gut. 

  • Try fennel seeds, which aid in elimination of mucus buildup and relieve gas.
  • Peppermint is soothing for any digestive upset and helps alleviate bloating.
  • Oregano has both antiviral and antifungal properties.

If you suspect you may have an overgrowth of yeast or fungus (a common issue!) it’s important to address it by including some herbs to your gut-cleansing plan.  Be sure to ask you Dr. about what herbs might be right for YOU.

5. Cayenne

Cayenne does more than just adding some heat to your meals. It’s a mucous dissolver and helps loosen any mucus build-up in the body. The stomach uses mucous and stomach acid to boost and ease digestions and cayenne may even fight symptoms of indigestion.

6. Prebiotics

Did you know that we are in fact more microbe than we are cells? Our gut contains 100 trillion microorganisms and these little guys play a crucial role in digestive function, protection against infections, nutrient absorption and immune function.  

Prebiotics are indigestible fibers that these microbes feed on.

*Try leeks, onion, garlic, apples, almonds, bananas, sweet potatoes and yams. 

7. Probiotics

Probiotic foods are fermented foods that contain beneficial bacteria. They tend to have a slightly (or intense) sour taste and are also known for helping to curb cravings!

*Try sauerkraut, kimchi, natural yogurt, kombucha and kefir!

For information on how to ferment your own food visit:

These foods help populate the gut with more good bacteria, giving our gut a stronger fighting power and ability to function well.

**If you don’t eat a lot of fermented food, you may want to look into a probiotic supplement.  There are several to choose from and then next email will give you more info about pro and prebiotics.  I would recommend finding a live probiotic supplement that requires refrigeration.  These tend to be the most beneficial.  Switch up the brand (and strains of bacteria) from time to time to give your body a variety of bacteria!

For more information on these foods visit:

Some more tips on foods to eat to maintain a healthy gut include:

1. Eat to beat disease: citrus fruit, fiber-rich foods, leafy greens and yellow vegetables

2. Help the good bugs: yogurt, sauerkraut, miso, bananas, garlic, asparagus, and onions

3. Choose foods that soothe: caraway, cardamom, cinnamon, cumin, fennel, ginger, mint, nutmeg, and oatmeal

4. Eat foods to flatten your tummy: avocado, brown rice, dark chocolate, nuts, oatmeal, olive oil, seeds

For more information visit:

Healthy Gut Series – Part 6

Healthy Gut Series – Part 6

Good Morning Everyone! 

Working Out on a Cleanse

Detoxing doesn’t have to mean sacrificing your fitness routine completely.  Depending on the cleanse you choose, you may need to take caution before jumping into your normal activity routine and find an alternative such as yoga or pilates.  For example, if you choose the Master Cleanse or a cleanse where you are consuming less than 800 calories daily, it is NOT recommended you participate in vigorous cardio or heavy strength training workouts.  That being said, here are some of the best workout/cleanse match-ups:

Running/Cycling + A Raw Food Cleanse

For endurance workouts, you need solid food to sustain energy.  Make sure you get plenty of raw solids like avocados, nut butters, nut milks, whole fruits, and vegetables.  Shoot for a minimum of 1,200 calories a day and add some artichoke protein for muscle repair. 

Yoga + Juice Cleanse

The sugars in a cleanse that includes orange and red juices, like carrot and beet blends, will stimulate and sustain you.  Yoga promotes internal reflection, which makes pairing it with a juice cleanse easy as it is not very hard on the body.  For intense or hot yoga, consider adding on a protein-rich drink to aid in recovery.  A common 28-gram pick is: a blend of Valrhona chocolate, pea protein, golden raisins, and raw almonds. 

Low-Intensity Cardio (Walking/Cycling) + Green Juice Cleanse

Even low-intensity cardio requires the necessary get up and go, so if 6 daily juices isn’t enough, bump it up to 8. Go as deep as you can with an all-green juice plan that also includes metabolism-heating spices like jalapeno, potassium-rich coconut water, and system purifiers like cilantro and chlorophyll. Coconut water will help keep your electrolytes from getting low and boost hydration for added energy. 

These are just a few examples related to the types of cleanses we outlined in the previous email, for more information on these pairings visit:

All of the possible harmful consequences of exercising vigorously make it sound as if all exercise is completely off limits on cleanse days, but this is not the case. Not all exercise is equal in stressing the body.

Here’s the bottom line, the intensity and duration of the exercise matters most on cleanse days. Certainly it would not be a good idea to engage in a sport competition on a cleanse day, and might also be a good idea to avoid activities that involve heavy weight lifting, repeated bursts of alternating intense bouts of exercise (i.e. sprint track workouts or soccer), and performing for long periods (i.e. 10k run). Less vigorous activities such as walking and yoga would still burn extra calories, but would not place as much strain on the body.  Listen to your body :).

For more information visit:


Healthy Gut Series – Part 5

Healthy Gut Series – Part 5

Good Morning Everyone! 

Types of Cleanses

A good cleanse will:

1. Reduce the load of toxins going into your body and help speed up the process of getting the toxins out of your body by adding in cleansing foods.

2. Remove the most inflammatory foods and help you identify which ones are the triggers for your body. These are the ones most commonly implicated in food intolerances and allergies.

3. Help heal your gut. Gut flora imbalance and a leaky gut are some of the greatest sources of inflammation in the body.

4. Give you tools that you can use in your everyday life post cleanse.

Here are some of the different types of cleanses:

Master Cleanse:  (very intense)

This is the lemon, maple syrup and cayenne pepper cleanse many of you will have heard of. It can cause very severe detox symptoms. It enhances elimination with the irritation of cayenne pepper. 


  • Cleans out your bowels very effectively


  • The high amount of sugar can contribute to imbalances in gut flora and insulin spikes that can cause you to store fat and lead to insulin resistance long term 
  • Doesn’t provide the body enough nutrients
  • Doesn’t rebuild intestinal flora
  • Doesn’t give you tools to help you live cleaner off the cleanse
  • Many people regain weight immediately after going off of it

Juice Fasting: (intense)

In this type of cleanse one consumes only vegetable and fruit juices, water and herbal teas.


  • Helpful in giving your digestion a rest
  • Provides nutrients for liver detoxification
  • Helpful as a short term tool, especially if you already eat a very clean diet and just want to give yourself a boost and get back on track


  •  High in sugar content
  • Doesn’t contain any fiber or good fat
  • Doesn’t rebuild intestinal flora
  • Doesn’t supply you with tools for living cleaner
  • Not a good way to maintain your weight if you eat poorly (*Yo-yo cleansing is not a good strategy)

Raw and Vegan Cleanse: (more of a clean lifestyle)

Raw foods are rich in enzymes, which aid the release of toxins and support the liver.


  • A very clean way to eat
  • Better to do in the spring and summer months


  • Harder to do in the winter when people want heavier, more fattening foods
  • Hard for many people to shop and prepare for
  • Involves a lot of time and effort dehydrating and soaking your food, which many people may not have the time to do 

Bone Broth Cleanse:

We can fast on animal broths, although it will usually require you to make your own broth.  A homemade broth is highly nutritious, with 9g of protein in every 8oz, full of vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes.  Commercially available bone broths don’t have as many benefits; many of them contain msg and lack most of the minerals you would get from homemade.  However, The Brothery is a company that makes their own bone broth and sells it online.  You receive it in frozen packages and each package is good for 6 months in the freezer.  This is an option of convenience but it’s also more expensive than preparing your own.  For more information visit –

How to make a bone broth: start with the highest quality bones available, preferably organically raised and hormone-free animals. Add 2-4 tablespoons vinegar (depending on how large a batch you’re making), any vegetables you want to add, and water to cover. Let this sit for 30 minutes to an hour, then bring to a boil and remove any scum that appears on the surface. Continue to simmer anywhere from 4-24 hours, the longer the simmer, the more nutrients will be drawn out of the bones.  

Bone broths are extremely nutritious, high in minerals and rich in gelatin and collagen. Adding an acid, like wine or vinegar, during preparation will help draw out the minerals, particularly calcium, magnesium, and potassium. 

How to do a bone broth cleanse:

Benefits of bone broth:

Dr. Oz’s 48-Hour Weekend Cleanse:

Dr. Oz’s 48-Hour Weekend Cleanse is based upon eating certain “detoxifying” foods that will keep your liver, colon, and kidneys running smoothly. The plan couldn’t be simpler to follow so you’re not always focused on what to eat next. You’ll need to prepare and eat the following meals and snacks two days in a row.

Here is a link to the complete shopping list and all the recipes:

To get the most out of Dr. Oz’s 48-Hour Weekend Cleanse, be sure to follow these rules:

  • No eating after 7 p.m.
  • Take an Epsom Salt Bath: This therapeutic bath will help you sweat out toxins and also contains magnesium to relax your muscles as well.
  • Dandelion Root Tea: Before bed, enjoy a cup of dandelion root tea, an excellent way for your liver to excrete toxins from your body.

The Daniel Fast:

The Daniel Fast is a biblically based.  The list of foods you are allowed to eat while on this cleanse is long and can be found at:

 However, the foods to avoid while on this cleanse include:

  • Iodized salt 
  • Sweeteners 
  • Meat 
  • Dairy products 
  • Breads, pasta, flour, crackers, cookies
  • Oils 
  • Juices 
  • Coffee 
  • Energy drinks 
  • Gum 
  • Mints 
  • Candy 

For Daniel Fast recipes and more information on this cleanse, go to:

**For more information on eating a clean diet, visit where you can learn about how to give your body what it needs to thrive and not deprive yourself of your favorite foods.

For more information, visit these sites:

Healthy Gut Series – Part 4

Healthy Gut Series – Part 4

Good Morning Everyone!

What to expect when you do a cleanse


Types of people who should take precaution before starting a cleanse

People who undergo a body cleanse do so with the primary intention of ridding their body of toxins and free radicals. While this process is recommended to those who wish to lose weight and recapture their body’s status quo, there are a number of things that people need to know about detox and body cleansing, not least of which is its potential adverse effects.

However, remember some of the important benefits of cleansing:

  • Boosts our energy
  • Rids the body of any excess waste
  • Helps with weight loss and learning how to establish long-term healthy eating habits
  • Strengthens our immune systems
  • Clearer thinking

It is necessary to know of the drawbacks and potential dangers of detoxing, especially for novices who are not quite familiar with the process and are not aware of what they should expect.

Listed below are some of the most common side effects of cleansing, as well as the corresponding explanation for why they occur and what can be done to prevent or address such conditions as they arise.



While there is no clear cause for this particular side effect, there seems to be a direct correlation between detoxing and the occurrence of headaches. This usually happens within the first few days of the diet, especially for first timers. The headaches can manifest as a migraine attack, cluster headache, or tension headache, and can last anywhere from a few minutes to a couple of hours.

*It is highly discouraged to take anything for the headache since it can disrupt the cleansing process and may even cause further discomfort.

Bowel Disturbances and Frequent Urination

This is perhaps the most common side effect of cleansing and detox, since the process directly affects the digestive tract. During the detoxification process, the body sets to get rid of toxins and everything else that is potentially a health hazard. This purging effect triggers frequent (and sometimes uncomfortable) bowel movements, especially during the first 2-3 days.

Most people who undergo cleansing programs experience loosening of the bowels due to the high concentration of acid in the detox formula (this is particularly true in the case of the Lemon Detox Diet). 

Frequent urination can also be expected since toxins are also expelled via liquid waste. 

Persistent Flatulence

Passing gas is a very common side effect of detoxing since the body attempts to get rid of all toxic substances in any and all forms. This can be embarrassing, but also know that this is completely normal.

Fatigue, Weakness, and Lethargy

These three symptoms usually occur simultaneously, particularly during intensive cleansing (anything longer than 10 days). The body is naturally programmed to crave nourishment from solid food, thus the feeling of weakness and fatigue even in the absence of physical exertion. In addition, the muscles also suffer from lethargy due to the absence of protein in one’s diet. This usually only lasts for the first 2-4 days.  It subsides but O activity is also highly recommended or required when going through cleanses.

Bad Breath and Coated Tongue

A healthy tongue should be pink. The concentration of acid in the digestive tract can contribute to the onset of bad breath during cleansing. In addition, this can also leave a persistent bad taste on the tongue, which can be quite unpleasant and embarrassing. You may also end up with coated tongue which is either creamy-looking, brown, orange layer or white coating on your tongue. This also leads to a buildup of bacteria and if left will also cause very bad breath.

Intense Hunger Pangs and Cravings

Hunger is by far the most difficult side effect to handle because it can cause other symptoms as well. Hunger pangs and intense cravings can be expected within the first day or two of cleansing as the body struggles to adjust to the absence of solid food, or reduced food consumption. 

For suggested remedies on how to ease these side effects go to:


Also, here are 4 simple ways of dealing with detox side effects:

1.      Stay hydrated

2.      Shift into the Detox, Altering Your Diet Before Beginning

3.      Get Plenty of Rest

4.      Consume Veggies and Certain Fruits

Read the full article –

The process of cleansing and detoxification definitely has its benefits, but it also has a number of drawbacks. However, these side effects are largely manageable as long as people are aware of how to deal with each symptom. In all, the health benefits and increased energy that can be derived from detoxing are still very much worth the effort and slight discomfort.



  1. Pregnant and lactating women
  2. Those receiving chemotherapy
  3. Those with Type I Diabetes
  4. Those who have just undergone surgery
  5. Those who are participating in strenuous, athletic endurance events like triathlons, Iron Man events, ultra marathons etc.  *It is not recommended while training.  It is recommended in the off season.
  6. Babies, young children and the elderly
  7. Those with adrenal fatigue
  8. Those with severe, underlying illness

For more information visit:

Healthy Gut Series – Part 3

Healthy Gut Series – Part 3

Good Morning Everyone!

The Body’s Detox System and What a Cleanse Does

The Body’s Detox System

Oftentimes people forget that the body has its own extraordinary internal detoxification system.

Here’s a brief look at three critical organs involved:

  • The Liver: Your first line of defense against toxins is your liver, which acts like a filter in preventing toxic substances contained in foods from passing into your bloodstream.
  • The Colon: Your colon has bacteria that produce both healthy and unhealthy chemicals. You want to keep your colon flowing regularly since its main role is to flush out toxic chemicals before they can do you any harm.   
  • The Kidneys: Like clockwork, the kidneys are constantly filtering your blood and getting rid of toxins in the form of urine.

For a detox diet to truly work, you need to maintain these three key organs by nourishing your body with the right nutrients.

Detoxification or cleansing can be misunderstood. Cleansing allows the body to eliminate used wastes and toxins and helps improve our health as it removes harmful substances we inhale, ingest and are exposed to every day.

Most people think of a cleansing program or detox as a way to purge their system of the poor food they have eaten and think of this as a way to lose weight.  It’s true, you will be able to rid your body of  the delicious junk you may have consumed and weight loss IS one of the results of a detox/cleanse. However, it’s important for you to understand the weight loss experienced is a direct result of a drastically reduced daily caloric intake (and what your body purges).  It is possible to keep some of the weight off but this is not a safe long term solution for major weight loss.  That being said, a cleanse/detox could be used as a way to jump start a weight loss journey. 

A detox/cleanse should be used as a tool to help re-establish balance in the digestive system so you can regain and/or speed up your body’s ability to heal itself naturally and strengthen immunity so the burden on the body is reduced. 

The next email will explain what to expect when you do a cleanse :).


For more information visit:


Healthy Gut Series – Part 2

Healthy Gut Series – Part 2

Good Morning Everyone!!

Here is Part 2 of The Healthy Gut Series!

Are you harming or healing your gut???

*Gut bacteria thrive on what you feed them!!! 

Give them whole, fresh, real foods and good gut bacteria thrive. Feed them junk, and bad bugs flourish, resulting in leaky gut, toxic overload, and inflammation. Fat-regulating hormones like insulin become out of whack, leaving you craving more junk food.

The good news is that your microbiome changes with every bite of food, so you can positively alter gut flora beginning with your very next meal!

Even in a perfect world, our gut has a hard time keeping things balanced. But in our world there are many things that knock our digestive system off balance which can cause our immune systems to break down. Those include:

  1. A junk diet. Sugar and artificial sweeteners promote the growth of bad bacteria in the gut and restrict the growth of beneficial bacteria which disrupts gut flora balance, causes gut inflammation and oftentimes results in weight gain. 
  2. Medication overuse. Anti-inflammatories, antibiotics, acid blocking drugs and steroids damage the gut or block normal digestive function.  The key word is over use.  I understand there are times when anti-inflammatories are necessary as well as antibiotics. 
  3. Infections and gut imbalances. These include small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), yeast overgrowth and parasites.
  4. Toxic overload. Including mercury and mold toxins.
  5. Inadequate digestive enzymes. Stress, acid-blocking medications and zinc deficiencies can all contribute to lack of adequate digestive enzyme function.
  6. Stress. Chronic stress alters your gut nervous system, creating a leaky gut and changing the normal bacteria in the gut.
Stress is something we all deal with on a daily basis at different levels.  I want to encourage you all to find a form of stress relief that you could practice daily.  Cardio is always a great option but you need to find something that works for you!!  Also, if you find yourself going through more stress than usual – AVOID THE OBVIOUS SUGARS!  Candy, cookies, cakes, pies, soda, energy drinks…all of the things we think will make us feel better can actually break down our immune system because of what it does to our guts!  Something to think about 🙂 

The foundation of good gut health begins with what you eat. Focus on fiber-rich vegetables, lower-sugar fruits, fermented foods and bone broth.  This will be explained in detail in email #7 and #8.

In the next email I’ll explain how you can reset your gut health with a cleanse.

For more information visit: