At the Gym:
Warm up on the bike for 10min. Your quads should start to burn after 3min, if they don’t, increase the resistance.
1. Standing Shoulder Press x 12
Tip: You can stagger your feet for more stability or keep you feet together to engage your core. Tuck your pelvis and keep your stomach tight so you can avoid arching your lower back.
2. Push-ups x 15
3. Take a Medicine Ball (6-15lbs). Hold the ball above your head and Keep it there as you lunge back with the right leg (keep your stomach tight so you won’t arch your lower back when you lunge). As you come up from the lunge, bring your knee up toward your chest and lower the ball down to touch your knee (you will be balancing on the left leg). After you touch the ball to your knee, go right back down into your lunge with the ball above your head. Repeat 15 x on the right leg and 15 x on the left leg.
4. Lateral Raises with a 2 sec. hold at the top x 12
Tip: Keep your feet together, your stomach tight and try not to swing the weights up.
5. 5 min on your choice of cardio. Your HR should be between 80-90% of your MHR
Repeat this 5 set circuit 4 times.
At Home:
You will need a jump rope and 1 set of weights. If you don’t have a jump rope, no problem, you can still jump as if you have one 
Warm up: March in place bringing your knees up high for 3 min (and get some music pumpin’!)
1. Jump Rope x 100 revolutions
2. Push-ups x 20 (or do as many as you can with out breaking form)
3.With your feet shoulder width apart and your arms up in the air as if you were going to flex your biceps (your hands should be at ear level), squat down and twist at the waist to reach your right elbow toward the left knee and stand up. Alternate between left and right x20. You will feel this in your core as well as your legs.
4. Alternating front lunge with a bicep curl (lunge forward, push back and curl at the top) x 20
5. Abdominal crunches x 20
Go through this 5 set circuit 5x