October Challenge

October Challenge


Hello All,

It’s a very exciting time of year! The cool weather is slowly creeping its way to our neighborhood (at least for those of us in the northern regions), and with that comes the changing of the leaves. Mother nature is providing us great timing to transition into our October Health Challenge!!

Like the colors of the leaves we too are changing. How are we changing? We are reaching beyond typical, physical health goals (i.e. eat more fruits and veggies, reach “X” number of miles, etc.) through the introduction of money saving goals, stress management goals and socializing goals.  We will use this challenge to incorporate financial, work, social and physical well-being allowing us to create a great environment for whole-being-wellness.

Stefanie did a fantastic job putting together the attached spreadsheet (see link below) with several resources for each topic.  Each week you will get the chance to earn 5 points by doing one or more of the suggested activities within the spreadsheet. For example, week 1 is associated with stress management. There will be several stress-management tools/activities to participate in, do one or more 5 days out of the week and you will earn 1 point. The goal is to reach 5 points for each individual week.

In week 5, we will combine all of the previous weekly topics. During this week the goal will be to achieve 5 points (1 per day) by doing 3 of the 4 weekly topics in one day. It can be any combination of 3. For example, you can choose any activity from weeks 1, 2 & 3 or perhaps weeks 2, 3 & 4. Whatever works for you!

The challenge will begin Monday October, 3rd and the final week will end on Sunday November, 6th.  To enter the challenge, simply email me or Stefanie to let us know and then start tracking your progress on the spreadsheet. The first 5 participants that reach 25 points will receive a $25 gift card!!!

If you have any questions about the challenge feel free to contact me or Stefanie!

Meredith and Stefanie


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