Delicious, Flavorful and HEALTHY Thanksgiving Recipes!

Delicious, Flavorful and HEALTHY Thanksgiving Recipes!

Good Morning Everyone!!

Thanksgiving is less than ONE WEEK away – can you believe it!?!  Below are some recipes you can start thinking about adding to your feast :).  This year I was asked to take care of the potatoes (I LOVE mashed potatoes!!!) and I’ve combined a couple of recipes over the last few years to make this delicious dish.  Below my mashed potato recipe you’ll find other flavorful and healthy sides, desserts and crust less quiche recipes for breakfast.  Enjoy!!

Smashed Potatoes and Cauliflower: This recipe will feed 12 people and leave you with some leftovers!


  • 8-10 organic russet potatoes
  • 1 and ½ heads of cauliflower
  • 10-16oz low fat sour cream
  • 6-8oz light cream cheese
  • 4tbsp organic salted butter
  • ¼ chopped Green onion
  • 1 cup of 1% milk or coconut milk

How to:

  • Take 10 large organic russet potatoes, wash, partially peel  and chop into large cubes (you can peel the whole potato if you don’t like the skin)
  •  Wash and chop 1 and ½ heads of cauliflower into large pieces
  • Boil the potatoes and cauliflower (until soft) in 2 separate pots because the cauliflower will be ready before the potatoes are
  • While you’re waiting for the potatoes and cauliflower to soften , chop the green onion up into fine pieces
  • Once the potatoes and cauliflower are both ready, drain them and pour them into one large mixing bowl.  Add the butter, half of the sour cream, half of the cream cheese and a ½ cup of milk.  Start to mix (SMASH) the ingredients all together.  I usually just use a hand potato masher but you can also use a hand blender.  Once the ingredients are all blended, taste your mixture and decide if you would like to add more sour cream and cream cheese.  If you like creamier potatoes, you’ll want to add more milk.  Once you decide that your mixture tastes and looks the way you want, add your green onion and finish it off with a few final mashes.  Pour you masterpiece into a large casserole dish, cover with tin foil and keep warm in the oven until you’re ready to feast!

Squash-Rice Casserole:

Butternut Squash, Brussels Sprout, and Bread Stuffing with Apples:

Balsamic-Glazed Green Beans and Pearl Onions:

Sweet Potato Biscuits – GLUTEN FREE!!:

Vegan Pumpkin Cheesecake Bites:

Gooey Apple Pecan Bars:

Now, for the morning of Thanksgiving or the morning after, here are some scrumptious crust less quiche recipes!

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