Energy Drink Alternatives

Energy Drink Alternatives

Hey McKinley!

Two weeks ago I sent out an email listing the ingredients of an energy drink and what actually they were.  After reading that I hope most of you were able to assess for yourselves that energy drinks are NOT the best remedy for your mid day slump or fatigue.  I wanted to provide some suggestions for alternatives but before I do that I want you to read the paragraph below from about how energy drinks actually deplete our energy.

“Energy Drain: Caffeine and Energy Drinks

Caffeine is a stimulant that revs you up — until it leaves your system and you crash. Teens should have less than 100 milligrams of caffeine a day, which is about how much you’ll get in:
Two 12-ounce sodas
One 8-ounce energy drink
One 8-ounce cup of brewed coffee
One shot of espresso (used in coffee drinks like lattes and cappuccinos)
Downing more caffeine raises your risk of sleep troubles. And that can lead to a nasty cycle of being tired the next day only to turn to caffeine again to perk you up.

If you reach for energy drinks to keep you going, think about breaking the habit. Energy drinks may seem like a good idea, but you’re likely to perk up only for a short time. Energy drinks are loaded with caffeine and as much sugar as a regular soda. When those wear off, your energy level will crash — leaving you anxious, nervous, and restless. And too much caffeine can leave you dehydrated, which can make you feel sluggish and cause headaches.

Plus, there’s no law requiring the amount of caffeine to be labeled in energy drinks, so you may not realize how much you’re getting. In many cases, you could get four to five times the amount of caffeine compared to a can of cola. But in some cases, an energy drink could have as much as 14 times the amount of caffeine in a soda!”

When looking for alternatives to energy drinks you need to ask yourself why you have chosen the energy drink you have (some of you have already heard these questions and solutions, so I apologize in advance for the repeat).  I am confident you will identify with one of the reasons below:
1. I like the carbonation
Solution: Naturally flavored or unflavored Mineral Water or Sparkling Water
2. I like the carbonation and the caffeine
Solution: Try Zevia
3. I NEED the energy boost
Solution: If this is the primary reason for your strong desire to grab an energy drink, there are GREAT alternatives but you have to keep an open mind because they are not all going to be in the form of a drink or a stimulant:

1. 1/4 cup of pumpkin seeds
2. 1/2 cup of greek yogurt
3. 1/4 cup of shelled walnuts or almonds
4. 2-3 squares (depending on how big the chocolate bar is) of DARK Chocolate 78% cocoa
5. Green Tea
6. 1 cup of sliced red bell peppers
Check out the website below to read more about why the above alternatives will help boost your energy levels:

There are three more alternatives that are recommended by Ben Greenfield who is an extremely successful triathlete, trains other triathletes and much more.  I haven’t personally tried any of his recommendations BUT I agree with them based on the ingredients list.  They are as follows:

1. Lifeshotz
2. Energy28
3. Delta-E

If you are still stuck on energy drinks I would encourage you to read Ben’s whole article “How Energy Drinks Slowly Kill You (And 3 Natural Energy Drink Alternatives)”.

Yours in Health and Wellness,


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