When Does Food Become Fat?

When Does Food Become Fat?

Click the link below to take the quiz “When does food become fat?”.



After answering each question, be sure to read the explanation found on the right side of the screen.  I have expanded on two of the explanations given below :).


If you consume a late-night meal and then go to bed without exercising, what happens to the food you eat?

~ Your body will metabolize the food the same way as if you ate earlier in the day HOWEVER, because you are not as active in the evening as you are during the day you are far more likely to gain weight when you eat a BIG dinner.  By eating your larger meals earlier in the day means you have the whole day to use those calories.  Do your best to eat smaller meals nearing the end of your day ESPECIALLY if your plan is to hang out on the couch for the remainder.


Which type of food can be stored as body fat?

~ Carbs, fat and protein eaten in excess will all be stored as fat HOWEVER, carbs and fats (not all fats, some fats like coconut oil actually promote fat burn) are most likely to be stored as fat.



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