Here’s to a great night’s sleep!!

Here’s to a great night’s sleep!!

Your bedtime routine is what can give you or keep you from getting some quality zzz’s.  Check out the lists below to see what you should add or cut out of your routine 🙂

Things or Foods that can sabotage your sleep:

1. Caffeine. Stop drinking any kind of stimulant at LEAST 4-6 hours before bed
2. Alcohol.  Although alcohol may help you fall asleep, it can sometimes cause you to wake up in the middle of the night and keep you up.  If you’re going to have a drink at night, you’re better off finishing your wine, beer or cocktail 3 or more hours before bed
3. Water.  DRINK water but STOP drinking it 1-2 hours before bed so you don’t have to wake up in the middle of the night to pee.
4. Nicotine.  Another stimulant you should avoid altogether but especially before bed.
5. Don’t fall asleep to the TV.  Watch your shows or movies in your living room and then go to bed.  When you try to fall asleep to the sound of the TV, you keep yourself from falling into a deep sleep because of the stimulation.  Also, if you forget to turn the TV off or set the sleep timer, you will most likely wake up in the middle of the night because of the sound of the TV.

Things or Foods that can promote sleep:

1. Exercise!!  Do your best to be done with your workout at least 3 hours before bed, specifically with hard cardio or heavy lifting.  Slow flow yoga is something you can do right before bed.  There are quite a few DVD’s out there that are easy to follow and do a great job of relaxing you through breathing and mild stretching.  Here’s one option:
2. Cherries or tart cherry juice. Cherries contain melatonin, a naturally occurring compound known to influence human sleep-wake patterns.  Try drinking 30mls or eating 10-15 cherries before bed.
3. Carbs :).  It’s very important to eat protein for dinner and throughout the day HOWEVER, if you like a bedtime snack you should choose one that is high in carbs in lower in protein.  Why?  The higher carb content helps with serotonin production.  Here are some options for bedtime snacks (no more than 200 calories)
~ whole grain cereal or gluten free cereal with your choice of milk
~ greek yogurt with fruit
~ whole grain or rice crackers with peanut or any kind of nut butter
~ any kind of fruit or vegetable
4. Natural sleep remedies.  There are many sleep aids out there but you will always be better off using a natural one (one without chemicals).  Please check with you physician about what option would be best for you if you are looking for a sleep aid.

Email me with any questions and I wish you all a great night’s sleep tonight!

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