Workout #3

Workout #3

Workout #3

Gym Workout:

For this workout you’re going to get the cardio out of the way first and then move on to weight lifting circuit.

Choose between the treadmill, stair stepper or elliptical and complete 30min keeping your heart rate between 65-70% of your max.  To find your MHR (max heart rate) do the following calculation:

220-Age= MHR

MHR x .65 = your target for this workout


220-30 = 190

190 x .65 = 123.5

Weight Lifting Circuit:

1.Push ups x 15

2. Lat Pull Down or Assisted Pull Up Machine x 15

3. Weighted squats on squat machine or with dumbells x 15

4. Walking lunge with lateral raise (lift weights out to side up to shoulder level when you lunge down)

5. Reverse abdominal crunch x 15

Complete the above circuit 3x :)

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