This NEEDS to Be Part of Your Morning Routine!

This NEEDS to Be Part of Your Morning Routine!

Good Morning Everyone!


Which describes you best?

1.       Wake up, get out of bed and grab a cup of coffee

2.       Wake up, get out of bed and grab a glass of water


We are dehydrated when we wake up…period!  If you’re person #1, I realize there is water in coffee but benefit wise, it is nowhere near the same as drinking water.  Depending on what article you choose to read, some will tell you coffee (caffeinated) will only dehydrate you and others will tell you coffee/caffeine does not affect our hydration at all.  Either way, nothing beats water when it comes to complete hydration and most of us will have been without water for 7-10 hours first thing in the morning.  While you may not feel thirsty, your body is dehydrated and NEEDS water to function at its best.   Now, I’m not suggesting you HAVE to replace your coffee with water but I am suggesting you drink 16oz of water as soon as you wake up (don’t chug it…enjoy it over 20-30min) before you eat or drink anything else!!


Here’s an article that describes 5 benefits you’ll experience when you drink water first thing in the morning:


1.       Fires up your metabolism

2.       Hydrates you (our bodies are 72% water….it’s necessary)

3.       Helps to flush toxins

4.       Gives your brain fuel (our brain tissue is 75% water!)

5.       Can help you eat less


Have a great Wednesday!

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