Coconut Oil!

Coconut Oil!

You may have noticed there has been a bit of a buzz about coconut oil and it’s health benefits.  Dr. Oz has even touted it a time or 2.  I wanted to bring this to your attention because I think there are some very beneficial things to be learned about coconut oil.  The benefits range from hair and skin care, to helping people with alzheimer’s and dementia and the most popular…weight loss!!!  The below article will help you understand why this saturated fat can actually help you lose weight!

Here is another article that gives more reasons you should add coconut oil to your diet!
Check out these great recipes all made with coconut oil:

Power Bar Recipe:

Protein Bar Recipe:

Gluten Free Bison Sausage Caserole (you can used ground beef or turkey too):

You can try substituting any oil you use regularly with coconut oil and reap the benefits!  Let me know if you have any questions 🙂

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